See Problems As Opportunities For Growth & Selfmastery

Vinchen 部落格

Vinchen  部落格
Vinchen's blog

Brave Enough To Face Changes In Life...我的人生哲学, 勇敢的去要面对和适应变化

See problems as opportunities for growth & selfmastery

EVERY WALL IS A DOOR - Ralph Waldo Emerson 每一面墙都是门- 美国思想家Ralph Waldo Emerson (爱默生)的名言

Monday, May 5, 2014

水墨画 - 葡萄

My Chinese Art painting in 1998........葡萄

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wedding season - 2011


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This is my only one creation in year 2011………….

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wedding month ….结婚季节

农历八月就来了, 又是华人结婚季节………我又开始忙了

The season of wedding is coming …………….during the 8th Chinese moon ……i will be busy again


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New creation of my Wedding Dolls……………..made of Korean I-Clay

Iclay - A Little Birthday Present - 小礼物

My daughter seeks my help to do a birthday present for her friend.
She wants me to do a samll girl and a small black dog.

大女儿的朋友又生日了,  这次她要求我帮她做的小礼物是一个小女孩和一只小黑狗…………..

This is the Birthday Present that I made for my daughter by using Korean I-Clay.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Just completed ……….




For chinese wedding, champagne pouring ritual is a tradition, the newly wed couple will cross their hand and drink the champagne follow by …………yummmmm senggggggg


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交杯酒”- 在华人的婚礼程序中是一个传统仪式. 

在古代, 婚礼上的交杯酒, 新郎新娘各执一杯酒,手臂相交各饮一口, 以表示两人合二为一、相亲相爱、百事和谐.


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Sunday, July 4, 2010


At the request of my friends, I have decorated the champagne flutes as follows : -



应了朋友的要求, 我做了以下这这些饰物 - 玻璃质地精美高脚杯,穿上结婚礼服。



These stunning long stemmed flutes were dressed up to make a dramatic statement.





Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010


Father's Day 2010


Frankly speaking, I do not know when is the exact date for Fathers Day of this year but I know only somewhere in June.

Till I received a greeting card from my children, then only I know is today, June 20, 2010 ( It’s the third Sunday of June ).

Well,  my children has expressed their gratitude and appreciation to me by giving me a greeting cards.

What I would like to say is “ Thanks, children, you all are great and you all are the best in my heart”


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Dear children

Daddy Loves You, Daddy will always knows the right thing to do for you and wish you all happy forever……………..


孩子们, 我爱你们, 我希望你们能够永远快快乐乐………………



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Penang - Butterworth - 北海

On the way back home from work …………..the sun set


上个星期的一个傍晚, 下班回家途中…………落日


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                              Opposite is the Penang Island ………………….

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Amazing Penang ………..美丽的槟城………

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taiping Town - 太平

Beginning of May 2010, because of job assignment, I have to go to Taiping to perform my duty at our Taiping Branch for 3 days.

During the stay. I really enjoy my sight seeing at Taiping. It’s a beautiful town, I took some photographs just to share with you.


五月的开端, 因为工事, 我必需下去太平的分行立行我的任务三天.

在这三天里, 素有“雨城”之称的 “太平”的确每天都下雨. 而且下的很美………太平的美, 太平的静, 的确让人感到舒服, 幸福.


太平湖, 除了说美, 还是说美…….湖光山色 (咖啡山), 再加上老老的雨树…………就是那么美.


一個有山, 有水,又有花的地方,始終在我心目中是魂牽夢繫,如今身處夢境,令人忘了身在異鄉。我喜歡在這「太平」这个地方,欣賞太平湖的風光, 有如一幅透明玻璃镜,可看見伸入湖內的老樹木、水上的莲花、山峦的倒影,充滿了熱帶的浪漫氣息.



Taiping Lake & Maxwell Hill      -       太平湖与咖啡山相影   


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Tourist Information Centre in Town -  晨中的太平街景地标


View of Taiping Lake


                                                                                  罗漫帝克的小道 Romantic path at Taiping Lake


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太平湖的漂亮景色 Beautiful Taiping Lake Garden

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Taiping Old Town   - 太平老街道


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This is the Hotel that I was staying …………………这是我住宿的酒店





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There are a lot of Lotus & Lily flowers on the water of Taiping Lake




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老雨树…………the old rain trees



calm and peaceful …..just like a mirror


Sunday, May 9, 2010

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY …….母亲节快乐………

Mother's Day Celebration.


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Mothers Day is celebrated every year and is hugely popular now.

People take the day as an opportunity to honor their mother’s love. As a token of appreciation, people give flowers, cards & etc .,……..

I went to my friend, Catherine’s Flower Shop today just to pack up 2 stalks of Carnation Flowers,  one for my mother and one for my wife.


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据说世上的母親節本是源起於美國, 一個名為安娜賈維斯(Anna Jarvis)的女孩終身未婚陪伴在母親身邊, 並於1907年開始舉辦活動,為了將母親節日成為一個法定節日而努力. 美國國會也正式定下 “5月的第二個假日” 為母親節,而安娜賈維斯的母親生前最喜愛的康乃馨,也因此成為母親節的象徵。


今天是母亲节, 去了Catherine 的花店弄了两支康乃馨花, 一支送給我的妈妈,  另一支送給我的太太……….母亲节快乐.